Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Surprise Birthday Party

Last night RoboHen escaped from Hen Headquarters and he sneaked out and away to his Beach RoboJet. He pushed the button in his hideout to make the floor that's holding the RoboJet go up to the top of the ground. Then he hopped in his Beach RoboJet and started to fly to the beach.

In the morning when his mom woke up, she was really surprised when she sneaked into Hen Headquarters and found that RoboHen was gone because he's always good on Saturdays except when there's a hen party. She quickly ran into her tree hideout and turned on her satellite. She asked her tree hideout where RoboHen was and it said, "RoboHen has flown away in his Beach RoboJet and I will not tell you any more!" (On the first day that RoboHen was born, he attached a machine to the satellite that would tell her only half of what she asked because RoboHen was really bad, even the first day he was born.) And then it made her Beach Tree Jet appear and take her halfway to the beach.

But when RoboHen's mom was about to take off, RoboHen was getting out his bad machine and attaching it to his Beach RoboJet. And then when RoboHen turned on his bad machine, RoboHen's mom was almost ready to walk across the sky to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet.

She quickly ran to the back of her Beach Tree Jet and she grabbed a plunger and a rope and she threw them to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet. She attached another plunger to the end of the rope and the other end of the rope to her Tree Jet so both jets would be chained together. Then she drilled a hole in her Beach Tree Jet and then she attached her bow and arrow to another rope and plunger and then she walked across the rope to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet.

Then she threw the plunger to her Tree Jet and the arrow hit the hole and they were even harder chained together and then she walked across across the rope back to her Tree Jet. And then she took out her super vision glasses because RoboHen's mom has super vision too, just like RoboHen... She was so mad one time that the consequence was that he was not allowed to have his super vision goggles until he learned to be good.

She saw a button that would land the Beach RoboJet and that was right when they were right above the beach, and RoboHen wanted to wait a little bit, but RoboHen's mom didn't. And then she used another one of her plungers and ropes and threw it into the plane and it hit the big red button. Then RoboHen was very mad. So mad that he quickly took the plunger and attached one of his bows and arrows to it and threw it out of his jet to his mom's Beach Tree Jet and he wanted it to touch a big green button on her jet to make the plungers and bows and arrows all fall off onto the ground. But it didn't hit the green button. It hit a big red button that made it land, too. When they landed, RoboHen's mom could not see RoboHen at all because his plane landed on the top of his ocean hideout.

Then he went into his ocean hideout and got out his Super Gadget and he asked it to turn into a RoboPhone and then he used the RoboPhone to call all his assistants and RoboBots so they could all come to the party.

Then a robot that looks just like RoboHen parachuted from an airplane and landed on the beach and then RoboHen's mom saw it and she chased after it because she thought it was the real RoboHen. Once it got to RoboHen's ocean hideout, RoboHen's mom didn't see anything at all except a plain old computer screen because RoboHen made lots of models of a computer screen. Then RoboHen and all his assistants and RoboBots all pulled levers and the levers made all of the model computer screens disappear and then RoboHen and all of his assistants and RoboBots yelled, "SURPRISE!"

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