Thursday, May 24, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Machines (Continued)

Then RoboHen's mom's hundred-and-one-things machine flew out of RoboHen's hideout and back into her hideout. Then RoboHen pulled the lever in his hideout to make his mom go flying into the air. But luckily, RoboHen's mom still had the microphone and when she was in the air, she called the hundred-and-one-things machine and it came back again and it caught RoboHen's mom just in time before she fell to the ground. And then it took her back into her tree hideout.

Now we will talk about RoboHen's mom's throwing machine that throws stuff at RoboHen. She tells it to throw things, like bouncy balls, swim goggles, and a giant cup of water, and they say, "Listen! Listen! Listen!" to RoboHen. This time she asked it to throw an enormous cup of water that was like a trillion feet tall and a trillion feet long. It was humongous-ujungous.

And then RoboHen was so mad that he turned on his throwing machine and everything that his throwing machine throws says, "Be bad! Be bad! Be bad! Be bad!" This time it threw a gigantic cup of water at his mom and it was a billion feet tall and a billion feet long. That's more than a zillion.

The next machine is called a cutting machine. That's a gigantic pair of scissors that goes, "Cut! Cut! Cut!" She uses that to cut ropes that hold traps in place to trap RoboHen so he can't be bad. This time it cut a rope that's attached to a lever that makes a giant cave for RoboHen and makes him fall into a river that leads to his mom's tree hideout. And then RoboHen's mom hopped into her tree motorcycle and then she rode it back to her hideout and after RoboHen came to her tree hideout she put him into the elevator and put him into her hideout jail until he learned to be good. But he knows how to escape.

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