Thursday, May 17, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Machines

      "Jackson, does RoboHen's mom have a lot of patience?"
     "No, she doesn't have any patience."

    "Does she yell at RoboHen when she's frustrated?"

    "No! She has a yelling machine."


That's RoboHen's mom's yelling machine. It's so loud that it breaks the glass that RoboHen is standing on and then he falls into his mom's washing machine but then the glass comes back on. Whenever RoboHen's mom is angry with RoboHen she turns on the yelling machine so that it yells and RoboHen cannot hear himself.

Now I will tell about her building machine. It builds lots of things. Whenever RoboHen's mom is angry, after she turns on her yelling machine, if RoboHen is not standing on glass, she turns on her building machine, and it builds stuff to stop RoboHen from doing his mischief. Always RoboHen is doing something, like attaching his bad machine to his Robojet, when she activates her yelling machine. So that time it built lots of ginormous houses inside RoboHen's hideout... But he doesn't want any houses in his hideout. RoboHen has his own yelling machine, and he turned it on to make RoboHen's mom not hear herself. It yelled so loud that the metal that was holding one of the cages inside RoboHen's hideout broke and the cage fell on RoboHen's mom! She became so angry that she took the key for her hundred-and-one-things machine out of her pocket and she put it in the keyhole of the cage because the key can open any lock, and it can even turn on the hundred-and-one-things machine and open its secret compartments.

And then if RoboHen still is bad, his mom uses the key to find one of the secret compartments in RoboHen's hideout that is supposed to be attached to her hundred-and-one-things-machine because last time RoboHen's giant robot took off the secret compartment and all of its special features with its extremely long arms and put it anywhere in the world. It could be anywhere.

And then RoboHen's mom used her key to open the secret compartment and then she found the secret microphone that can call her hundred-and-one-things machine and then she spoke into the microphone: "Come come come right away and meet me in RoboHen's hideout!"

And then RoboHen's mom's hundred-and-one-things machine said, "Okay!" and then it zooped and flew into RoboHen's hideout and then RoboHen's mom used her toolbox to attach the secret compartment back to her hundred-and-one-things machine and then she attached the key to its incredibly long arm. It's as long as the sun - superlong!

To be continued...

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