Sunday, May 13, 2012

RoboHen's Giant Robot

"RoboHen is taking your glasses to Hen Headquarters! He needs the glass from your glasses to make his giant robot!"

RoboHen is going to take the glass from inside everyone in the world's glasses to make his giant robot's glasses. The robot is going to look like his assistant, because his assistant has glasses.

As soon as RoboHen gets back to Hen Headquarters, he turns on his machine that takes the glass out of the glasses without breaking the glass. Once RoboHen finishes doing that, then he takes all the glass parts and he uses his ginormous hot glue gun and he glues them together to make giant pieces of glass shaped like an oval. Then he uses all of the things that hold the glasses onto your ears and hot glues those together. And then he hot glues the glass to the things that hold the glasses onto your ears. Then RoboHen uses his giant crane to lift the glasses onto his robot's ears.

Then RoboHen pulls lots of levers and pushes lots of buttons to make the robot have propellers and fly out of Hen Headquarters so he can use his super powers to take over the world!

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