Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Surprise Birthday Party

Last night RoboHen escaped from Hen Headquarters and he sneaked out and away to his Beach RoboJet. He pushed the button in his hideout to make the floor that's holding the RoboJet go up to the top of the ground. Then he hopped in his Beach RoboJet and started to fly to the beach.

In the morning when his mom woke up, she was really surprised when she sneaked into Hen Headquarters and found that RoboHen was gone because he's always good on Saturdays except when there's a hen party. She quickly ran into her tree hideout and turned on her satellite. She asked her tree hideout where RoboHen was and it said, "RoboHen has flown away in his Beach RoboJet and I will not tell you any more!" (On the first day that RoboHen was born, he attached a machine to the satellite that would tell her only half of what she asked because RoboHen was really bad, even the first day he was born.) And then it made her Beach Tree Jet appear and take her halfway to the beach.

But when RoboHen's mom was about to take off, RoboHen was getting out his bad machine and attaching it to his Beach RoboJet. And then when RoboHen turned on his bad machine, RoboHen's mom was almost ready to walk across the sky to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet.

She quickly ran to the back of her Beach Tree Jet and she grabbed a plunger and a rope and she threw them to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet. She attached another plunger to the end of the rope and the other end of the rope to her Tree Jet so both jets would be chained together. Then she drilled a hole in her Beach Tree Jet and then she attached her bow and arrow to another rope and plunger and then she walked across the rope to RoboHen's Beach RoboJet.

Then she threw the plunger to her Tree Jet and the arrow hit the hole and they were even harder chained together and then she walked across across the rope back to her Tree Jet. And then she took out her super vision glasses because RoboHen's mom has super vision too, just like RoboHen... She was so mad one time that the consequence was that he was not allowed to have his super vision goggles until he learned to be good.

She saw a button that would land the Beach RoboJet and that was right when they were right above the beach, and RoboHen wanted to wait a little bit, but RoboHen's mom didn't. And then she used another one of her plungers and ropes and threw it into the plane and it hit the big red button. Then RoboHen was very mad. So mad that he quickly took the plunger and attached one of his bows and arrows to it and threw it out of his jet to his mom's Beach Tree Jet and he wanted it to touch a big green button on her jet to make the plungers and bows and arrows all fall off onto the ground. But it didn't hit the green button. It hit a big red button that made it land, too. When they landed, RoboHen's mom could not see RoboHen at all because his plane landed on the top of his ocean hideout.

Then he went into his ocean hideout and got out his Super Gadget and he asked it to turn into a RoboPhone and then he used the RoboPhone to call all his assistants and RoboBots so they could all come to the party.

Then a robot that looks just like RoboHen parachuted from an airplane and landed on the beach and then RoboHen's mom saw it and she chased after it because she thought it was the real RoboHen. Once it got to RoboHen's ocean hideout, RoboHen's mom didn't see anything at all except a plain old computer screen because RoboHen made lots of models of a computer screen. Then RoboHen and all his assistants and RoboBots all pulled levers and the levers made all of the model computer screens disappear and then RoboHen and all of his assistants and RoboBots yelled, "SURPRISE!"

Monday, May 28, 2012

RoboHen Escapes

The first thing RoboHen did is he took out his chainsaw and he sawed the cage bars out and then he ran down the tube into his mom's hideout. He pushed a big green button and it opened up the jail slide so he and his assistants could get free of the jail.

After that, he noticed his mom at the bottom of the slide and she was really angry. She quickly ran up into her hideout and took out a red button from her pocket and she pushed it, and a giant vacuum vacuumed up RoboHen and his assistants back into the jail. Then it vacuumed up the tube slide. It broke up into trillions of pieces. The thing that RoboHen did next was he took out his chainsaw and he sawed a wall of the jail off. He got into the jail that his assistant BadBoHen was in and asked him to give him his Super Building Machine. Then RoboHen used the building machine to build another tube slide and build a big green button. He gave his giant wire to his holding machine and then he could have the holding machine carry the wire to the green button.

Then he asked his holding machine to carry the other end of the wire to the big red button, and then when RoboHen pushed the big green button, it also activated the big red button, and the big red button dropped a super power saw. Then RoboHen took the power saw and he sawed a hole through all of the parts of the jail and led his assistants down the tube and out of the hideout again.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Machines (Continued)

Then RoboHen's mom's hundred-and-one-things machine flew out of RoboHen's hideout and back into her hideout. Then RoboHen pulled the lever in his hideout to make his mom go flying into the air. But luckily, RoboHen's mom still had the microphone and when she was in the air, she called the hundred-and-one-things machine and it came back again and it caught RoboHen's mom just in time before she fell to the ground. And then it took her back into her tree hideout.

Now we will talk about RoboHen's mom's throwing machine that throws stuff at RoboHen. She tells it to throw things, like bouncy balls, swim goggles, and a giant cup of water, and they say, "Listen! Listen! Listen!" to RoboHen. This time she asked it to throw an enormous cup of water that was like a trillion feet tall and a trillion feet long. It was humongous-ujungous.

And then RoboHen was so mad that he turned on his throwing machine and everything that his throwing machine throws says, "Be bad! Be bad! Be bad! Be bad!" This time it threw a gigantic cup of water at his mom and it was a billion feet tall and a billion feet long. That's more than a zillion.

The next machine is called a cutting machine. That's a gigantic pair of scissors that goes, "Cut! Cut! Cut!" She uses that to cut ropes that hold traps in place to trap RoboHen so he can't be bad. This time it cut a rope that's attached to a lever that makes a giant cave for RoboHen and makes him fall into a river that leads to his mom's tree hideout. And then RoboHen's mom hopped into her tree motorcycle and then she rode it back to her hideout and after RoboHen came to her tree hideout she put him into the elevator and put him into her hideout jail until he learned to be good. But he knows how to escape.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

RoboHen's Mom's Machines

      "Jackson, does RoboHen's mom have a lot of patience?"
     "No, she doesn't have any patience."

    "Does she yell at RoboHen when she's frustrated?"

    "No! She has a yelling machine."


That's RoboHen's mom's yelling machine. It's so loud that it breaks the glass that RoboHen is standing on and then he falls into his mom's washing machine but then the glass comes back on. Whenever RoboHen's mom is angry with RoboHen she turns on the yelling machine so that it yells and RoboHen cannot hear himself.

Now I will tell about her building machine. It builds lots of things. Whenever RoboHen's mom is angry, after she turns on her yelling machine, if RoboHen is not standing on glass, she turns on her building machine, and it builds stuff to stop RoboHen from doing his mischief. Always RoboHen is doing something, like attaching his bad machine to his Robojet, when she activates her yelling machine. So that time it built lots of ginormous houses inside RoboHen's hideout... But he doesn't want any houses in his hideout. RoboHen has his own yelling machine, and he turned it on to make RoboHen's mom not hear herself. It yelled so loud that the metal that was holding one of the cages inside RoboHen's hideout broke and the cage fell on RoboHen's mom! She became so angry that she took the key for her hundred-and-one-things machine out of her pocket and she put it in the keyhole of the cage because the key can open any lock, and it can even turn on the hundred-and-one-things machine and open its secret compartments.

And then if RoboHen still is bad, his mom uses the key to find one of the secret compartments in RoboHen's hideout that is supposed to be attached to her hundred-and-one-things-machine because last time RoboHen's giant robot took off the secret compartment and all of its special features with its extremely long arms and put it anywhere in the world. It could be anywhere.

And then RoboHen's mom used her key to open the secret compartment and then she found the secret microphone that can call her hundred-and-one-things machine and then she spoke into the microphone: "Come come come right away and meet me in RoboHen's hideout!"

And then RoboHen's mom's hundred-and-one-things machine said, "Okay!" and then it zooped and flew into RoboHen's hideout and then RoboHen's mom used her toolbox to attach the secret compartment back to her hundred-and-one-things machine and then she attached the key to its incredibly long arm. It's as long as the sun - superlong!

To be continued...
Two sneaky-looking superheroes

Sunday, May 13, 2012

RoboHen's Giant Robot

"RoboHen is taking your glasses to Hen Headquarters! He needs the glass from your glasses to make his giant robot!"

RoboHen is going to take the glass from inside everyone in the world's glasses to make his giant robot's glasses. The robot is going to look like his assistant, because his assistant has glasses.

As soon as RoboHen gets back to Hen Headquarters, he turns on his machine that takes the glass out of the glasses without breaking the glass. Once RoboHen finishes doing that, then he takes all the glass parts and he uses his ginormous hot glue gun and he glues them together to make giant pieces of glass shaped like an oval. Then he uses all of the things that hold the glasses onto your ears and hot glues those together. And then he hot glues the glass to the things that hold the glasses onto your ears. Then RoboHen uses his giant crane to lift the glasses onto his robot's ears.

Then RoboHen pulls lots of levers and pushes lots of buttons to make the robot have propellers and fly out of Hen Headquarters so he can use his super powers to take over the world!