Wednesday, February 26, 2014

RoboHen Frightens the Animal Children

The day that Stanley Elephant turned eight, his family threw him a wonderful surprise party. They invited all of his friends and relations. That day, the sun shone brightly. As the guests began to arrive, Mama Elephant rushed out to show them where to hide, among the bushes that lined the driveway. There were so many that they had to find spaces on the sidewalk where Stanley would not see them.

Finally, when all the guests had arrived, Mama brought Stanley outside. She walked beside him, covering his eyes with her hooves. When she let Stanley peek, he was so excited that he squealed with delight! All of his favorite people were smiling at him and yelling, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Stanley!" A giant chocolate cake was waiting for him to cut it. There were balloons floating slightly above the bushes. 

"Stanley, please forgive me, but you will have to wait another moment for your big surprise," said his mama. "I arranged for a special performer to come entertain us with his 101 Things Machine!" (Little did she know that RoboHen had decided to advertise as an entertainer for children's parties just so he could test out the exciting new features on his machine.) Stanley's friends Myra Rabbit and Esme Kangaroo leaped higher than you can imagine when they first caught a glimpse of this amazing machine. But when RoboHen suddenly started punching buttons, they leaped as far away from it as they could, for lightning was coming out of the machine and striking the tall trees above them. All the animal children scattered, running at ninety miles an hour away from the sparks. It is difficult to describe what chaos ensued. 

Stanley's mother didn't even try to be polite to RoboHen. She showed him the highway right away. After he left, the delicious cake and the lovely company combined to save the day. Thank goodness! Poor Stanley's mom was only trying to provide a special occasion for her son. Thankfully, they all survived and ate cake and were merry. That was the end of RoboHen's career as a birthday party entertainer.

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