Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The RoboCoaster

One day, RoboHen awoke with a brilliant idea for the lower part of his lair. He would build a roller coaster! Of course, when he tried to approach his mom, she said, "Absolutely not," but since when has that ever stopped RoboHen? He knew he couldn't ask her for help, so he slapped a bunch of postage on an envelope and mailed it to Europe. He ordered the fanciest parts for a super-scary roller coaster that would explode the riders into the air at the end. "I suppose," said RoboHen to himself, "that it won't really explode, but it will be the best basement coaster ever."

The package came on the day his mom was being hostess to a tea party upstairs. She had no idea what was going on below ground in the remote recesses of the basement. RoboHen was alone, but he was certainly not lonely. He was surrounded by what looked like a bunch of toaster parts and bowling alley pieces. He had a wonderful time trying to decode the instructions. He felt like a soldier trying to understand a secret mission. Then he discovered just what he needed - the owner of the company had sent him a special poster. It told him just how to compose the roller coaster. He put on his loafers, dried his soapy hands, and got to work on this lonesome task. Even though it took 125 hours, his confidence was not eroded.

And if the whipped cream doesn't fall into the chocolate pudding, next time we will hear about the mischief RoboHen got up to with the roller coaster.

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