Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Saving Mom

Another spelling word story from RoboMom.

One day, that bad RoboHen skipped school. He was racing around his lair and joking with his assistants when he heard a noise. Someone was shouting from far away. He needed to find out where that noise was coming from, so he ran all around, listening hard, until he was panting and out of breath. RoboHen found nothing at first. He was hopping mad. There was no telling who was making the noise, but it sounded upset.

Suddenly, he heard a thump right under his chicken feet. He pulled up the trap door handle of the 101 Things Machine, hoping that would reveal a clue. Instead, there sat his poor mom, wrapped in a pink blanket, with a baby elephant on top of her! The elephant greeted him with a huge trumpet - BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM! - and RoboHen's mom, who could not talk because the elephant's foot was on her beak, nodded to him frantically. RoboHen started plotting right away.

The room had recently been cleaned and painted bright purple, so there were lots of supplies scattered around. RoboHen quickly strapped on his skates and grabbed a faded sheet, which was acting as a dropcloth. He quoted Mighty Mouse as he skated toward the elephant with the dropcloth in one claw: "Here I come to save the day!" Using all of his weight, he bumped into the elephant with a great thump, letting go of the sheet at the same time. It floated onto his enemy's face, and RoboHen began tickling the elephant-shaped lump under the sheet with all his might. For a couple of minutes, he had no idea who was winning.

Then RoboHen had a bright idea. Remembering where he was most ticklish, he hunted for the elephant's belly button. Eureka! The elephant started shaking and whuffling and eventually leaped off poor RoboHen's mom to escape from his tickling tormentor. RoboHen grabbed his mom and swung onto the ladder of the 101 Things Machine, flying up to safety and closing the trap door behind him. His mom was thankfully unharmed - it was a much lighter elephant than it looked. She was so thankful that she made RoboHen his favorite treat, a giant bowl of mango sorbet.

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