Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Turbo Jet Adventure

A couple of mischievous hens - RoboHen and BadboHen - were sitting around with nothing to do. Suddenly the Robo Signal sounded. WOOOOP WOOOOP was accompanied by a flashing purple light.

It could mean only one thing. RoboPeacock was a calling a special meeting of all the Robos. Until that moment, RoboHen had assumed it would be a boring June afternoon. This changed everything. BadboHen put down his trashy novel, RoboHen pushed a sequence of buttons on the 101 Things machine, and they zooped to headquarters.

When they got there, RoboPeacock was tapping her foot and writing in the Prisoner Journal. As the new arrivals entered a room full of Robos, she shot them an evil look, so they knew they'd better sit down quietly and listen. "Cancel all your plans for the foreseeable future!" snapped RoboPeacock. She tossed each of them a small model of the Badlands and a metal detector. "Be careful!" she grumped as Badbo Hen almost dropped the metal detector. "Those are fragile!"

She continued, "We are about to undertake a mission that involves travel to a dangerous place - the notorious Badlands, home of the infamous Cheating Cheetah!"

Everyone gasped. But there was no time to lose. "As soon as you leave the Turbo Jet, hop onto the saddle with your name on it," said RoboPeacock. "Cheating Cheetah has escaped capture for the last time - now that we have tagged her with the RoboTag, the supersonic RoboPonies will enable us to nab her using a trusty metal detector." One final warning - we have one shot at this. If you do not aim the metal detector directly at her neck and lasso her immediately, she will escape again and you will be in big trouble."

RoboPeacock threw down her pencil, pointed toward the Turbo Jet, and they all sprang into action. There was total focus as RoboHen pushed the superzoomspeed button, Robo Lion made sure that the wings were level, and BadboHen adjusted the propeller to the proper angle. There was a terrific noise, a whooshing feeling, and then before they had time to blink, the Turbo Jet had landed in a field of cattle.

RoboHen almost got distracted by the fascinating fossils in the canyons that surrounded them, but there was no time. They all heard the furious yowl of Cheating Cheetah, and they sprang into pursuit. They all leaped into their saddles, and relied upon their trusty steeds to choose the right course, as they were unfamiliar with the local landscape. Because it was April, flowers were everywhere, and Cheating Cheetah thought she could hide in a field of dandelions. But RoboHen was too quick for her. He spotted her spots, aimed the metal detector at the fluffy flowers, and hurled his lasso. She let out a wild cry that included every vowel. "Aaaaaeeeeeeiiiiooooouuuuw!" All the other Robos rushed to grab her, put her into the Turbo Jet, and zooped back to Hen Headquarters, where they surrendered their prisoner to RoboPeacock. She was beyond pleased with them and rewarded them all with angel food cake.

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