Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A RoboHen Spelling Word Poem Featuring Knives, Forks, and Spoons, Written in Triplets (Sort Of) by RoboMom

RoboHen's mom said, "Please set the table!"
He quickly replied, "As soon as I am able."
"Just now, I am busy watching something on cable."

Worried that she would have to do battle,
RoboHen's mom drank from her bottle
of Diet Dr. Pepper... and she drank a lottle.

Then she hollered, but with a short giggle,
"You get out that silverware before I tickle your middle!"
But that naughty boy did not move a muscle.

"ROBOHEN!" she bellowed. "It's really quite simple.
You must do your chore, or you'll get a nice sample
Of the yelling machine, which might make you tremble!"

Then to drive home her point, she blew on her bugle.
That made RoboHen jump, and not just a little.
It startled him so that he blew out a candle.

He knew at that moment he must get a handle
on his behavior, so he munched on an apple
and ran to the kitchen to find just a single
fork but no knives and no spoons, and a paddle.

"Oh dear," he proclaimed. "I must look in that jungle
that I call my room." So he zipped to that tangle
of clutter and rubble and wondrous inventions.

He found a toy rifle, a cradle, a bridle
And giving a yell, he made one desperate sidle
Behind his train table, where sitting there idle

Were all the utensils told of in the title.

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