Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A RoboHen Spelling Word Poem Featuring Knives, Forks, and Spoons, Written in Triplets (Sort Of) by RoboMom

RoboHen's mom said, "Please set the table!"
He quickly replied, "As soon as I am able."
"Just now, I am busy watching something on cable."

Worried that she would have to do battle,
RoboHen's mom drank from her bottle
of Diet Dr. Pepper... and she drank a lottle.

Then she hollered, but with a short giggle,
"You get out that silverware before I tickle your middle!"
But that naughty boy did not move a muscle.

"ROBOHEN!" she bellowed. "It's really quite simple.
You must do your chore, or you'll get a nice sample
Of the yelling machine, which might make you tremble!"

Then to drive home her point, she blew on her bugle.
That made RoboHen jump, and not just a little.
It startled him so that he blew out a candle.

He knew at that moment he must get a handle
on his behavior, so he munched on an apple
and ran to the kitchen to find just a single
fork but no knives and no spoons, and a paddle.

"Oh dear," he proclaimed. "I must look in that jungle
that I call my room." So he zipped to that tangle
of clutter and rubble and wondrous inventions.

He found a toy rifle, a cradle, a bridle
And giving a yell, he made one desperate sidle
Behind his train table, where sitting there idle

Were all the utensils told of in the title.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

RoboHen's Birthday Thursday

It was the perfect day. RoboHen woke up and clucked happily - it was his birthday and he was in fine spirits. "Hurry up, everyone!" he crowed with excitement. "It's time for birthday things!"

MamaHen heard his delighted crow during her shower and smiled. She was certain RoboHen would have a wonderful day. She gave him his first present at breakfast - a big sturdy bag to hold all his other presents. It was purple, and he loved it. She was a little nervous about the next one, so she counted to thirty before giving it to him. (Perhaps he wouldn't like it.) But of course he did, because it was a turtle! The next present was a birdbath for the turtle to play in - well, it was really a turtlebath. RoboHen was very pleased - "He can drink the water too, if he gets thirsty," he said. He liked the fact that it had more than one purpose.

The next present was also for the turtle. It was a little mermaid statue to decorate the turtlebath. "Wow!" said RoboHen. "You even furnished his habitat!"

He exclaimed even further when he saw the magnificent cake his mom had baked. Every person and animal who came to his party swooned over it. It was so delicious that nobody really had to wash dirty dishes because the guests licked their plates clean. But RoboHen's mom firmly insisted that they go in the dishwasher anyway. "Wow, that's service," said RoboHen.

"It's not every day that my son has a birthday," smiled MamaHen.

"Best birthday Thursday ever!" said RoboHen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RoboHen Makes Waffles

One day RoboHen declared, "I am a chef. Today I will make waffles."

"Don't worry," he said as he caught a glimpse of his mom's expression. "They will be perfect."

He tossed a quarter cup of oil into the waffle maker and turned it on as MamaHen looked nervous. She quietly placed a heap of squash nearby in hopes that RoboHen would make squash waffles, but he ignored that. His mom decided to watch quietly from the sidelines. She did want to supervise, but she didn't want to look like a prison warden.

Soon the warmth from the waffle iron was heating up the room, and it was time to pour in the batter. Into the bowl went flour, sugar, milk, eggs, a pinch of salt, and a squat little apple cut into chunks.

"I almost forgot!" exclaimed RoboHen. "I must reach into my wardrobe for the proper attire."

"What in the world?" muttered his mom. "Why do you need special clothes to make waffles?"

RoboHen returned from his room looking like quite the Waffle House worker. Then he reached backward to tie up his spiffy apron, adorned with waffle embroidery.

"The waffle warrior is ready to cook!" he exclaimed as he poured the batter into the waffle maker.

Suddenly a swarm of fruit flies rose up around the kitchen. They headed straight for the chunks of apple in the batter.

Just as suddenly, RoboHen's friend Snow, the dwarf donkey, leaped into the kitchen and slurped up all of the fruit flies. "Mmmm," he said happily, "a tasty snack."

"Phew!" said RoboHen. "Well, that was worthwhile. I worship your furry donkey face."

And they all waffled happily ever after.