Wednesday, December 4, 2013

RoboHen's Crazy Summer

Note: Every Wednesday, Jackson must write each of his word study words three times. To make this more interesting, I have gotten into the habit of reading the words in the form of a RoboHen story. Jackson wants to record those stories on this blog; these are the work of me, his mother. All others are his own.

One summer, RoboHen received an unexpected present from his mother. She came to his lair with a box that contained a tiny, mewing striped kitten and a cute roly-poly puppy. They both seemed happy, but they needed a home. RoboHen opened the box and instantly was drawn to the feisty kitten, who was trying to claw its way up the sides. RoboHen's mom knew that her son would give the little creature a home, so she handed it over and headed off to find a companion for the puppy.

As soon as she had gone, RoboHen tried to feed the kitten a can of cat food for supper. The pretty orange ball of fur refused to eat the food, but scampered out the window and caught its own meal - a rabbit! It was a giant rabbit... RoboHen measured it with a ruler, and it was more than a foot long! The stripy kitten was a very contented diner, greedily devouring its prey. "Well, hello, kitten," thought RoboHen. "You can catch your own dinner from now on." RoboHen named his new pet T-Rex because of its appetite, and they had a super summer together, getting up to all sorts of mischief. Once they had to apologize to the owner of the candy store because RoboHen put a penny in the machine for a gumball, and T-Rex got so excited that he knocked the whole machine over and made a big mess. Later he wrote a letter to the store owner, telling him that he would control his pet better in the future. RoboHen learned his lesson and did not take T-Rex into any more stores.

It was a crazy summer, but it was fun. Imagine RoboHen's surprise when he realized that his beloved kitten wasn't a kitten at all. It was almost September when his friend the zookeeper, who had heard stories about all the mayhem that T-Rex was causing, came to visit. "Oh, no!" said the zookeeper. "That's not a kitten! What you have, RoboHen, is a young TIGER!" He handed RoboHen a piece of paper with directions to the zoo, and told him that he could visit T-Rex anytime, but that it was time for him to live with other tigers. RoboHen was sad, but he knew that it was for the best, and he promised T-Rex that he would come visit every Saturday. And he did.

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