Thursday, December 25, 2014

RoboHen Saves Christmas


As soon as RoboHen woke up, he was really worried, because today his arch-enemy, Speeding Shark, had kidnapped Santa Claus, and today was Christmas Eve. The reason RoboHen was worried was because RoboHen somehow had to find a way to rescue Santa Claus and all the 1,000 other reindeer that Speeding Shark had kidnapped, including Rudolph, before nighttime. Otherwise, Speeding Shark would succeed in ruining Christmas.

RoboHen hopped into his RoboJet and flew off to Speeding Shark’s North Pole underwater outpost. As soon as he arrived, RoboHen ran straight towards the Reindeer Dungeon, which held all of the reindeer prisoner. RoboHen immediately realized that the Reindeer Dungeon needed a special key that could only be found in the International Star Wars Bad Guy Space Station. RoboHen would have to first sneak into the lead Super Star Destroyer that was right above the underwater outpost without being caught. Then he would have to sneak into the elevator and press the button that led to the infinityth floor. So then RoboHen hopped into his stealth jet and sneakily flew right into the Super Star Destroyer. He landed in the hangar bay and ran towards the elevator, but he ran so fast that one hundred Stormtroopers attacked RoboHen. Then Darth Vader entered the room and threw RoboHen into the dungeon of the Super Star Destroyer.

Once he was thrown in the dungeon, RoboHen saw a flying shadow in the mirror. He turned around and saw Krang! Krang said, “Mua ha ha HA, RoboHen! We meet again at last!”

RoboHen said, “Oh, no, you don’t, Krang! Look behind you!” Krang turned around, and guess what was behind him?

The Monster! Krang saw him, and the monster picked Krang up and threw him all the way back into Santa’s workshop. Then RoboHen found a secret trap door. When he opened it, he found a secret key, and he used it to open the dungeon. As soon as he escaped from the dungeon, he ran straight to the elevator. He ran into the elevator and pushed the button that led to the infinityth floor. Then, once the elevator had reached the infinityth floor, RoboHen got off, only to find…

Darth Vader! Then Darth Vader attacked RoboHen with his light saber. Then RoboHen got his green light saber and started battling Darth Vader. Right when Darth Vader was about to defeat RoboHen, RoboHen got out his grappling hook and fired it right at a dangling light. Then RoboHen flew high above Darth Vader’s head and pulled a lever. Darth Vader fell through a trap door and straight out of the Darth Vader International Space Station. Then RoboHen continued until he got to the Secret Key Room. But when he opened the door, RoboHen didn’t find a secret key. He found…

TWO Emporers. Then RoboHen said, “TWO Emporers! How can there be TWO of you?”

The Emporers said, “Oh, RoboHen! Don’t you know that there are two of every Star Wars bad guy ever made in the International Star Wars Bad Guy Space Station? And they are all here to destroy you and your friends.”

 RoboHen said, “You and your friends MIGHT be able to destroy me, but do you think you and your friends could destroy the Bumble?”

“Who is the Bumble, RoboHen?”

RoboHen said, “The Bumble is a giant snow monster who collects hundreds of Star Wars bad guys for trophies, and he could easily use a few more to add to his collection.”

The Emporers said, “Sorry, RoboHen, but I think we have to run.”

But then RoboHen got out a tape player and a tape recording. He inserted the tape recording into the tape player and it played the Bumble’s roar: “ROAAAAAR!”

Then the two Emporers were so scared that they jumped right out of the space station and right into the hands of the Bumble, and he threw them into his cave. So then RoboHen quickly ran to the Secret Key Room. RoboHen grabbed the key and ran straight into the control room. He entered the key into the keyhole that said, “Shut down space station.” Once RoboHen turned the key, a loud voice shouted over the intercom, “The International Star Wars Bad Guy Space Station is exploding in ten seconds!”

Then RoboHen was rapidly running around trying to find a way to escape. He grabbed the key and ran straight towards the escape pod. He got into the escape pod and escaped just as the space station exploded.


As soon as the escape pod landed, RoboHen got out of the escape pod and ran straight to Speeding Shark’s North Pole Underwater Outpost and once he arrived, he ran straight to the Reindeer Dungeon. Then he fitted the reindeer key into the keyhole and unlocked the Reindeer Dungeon. He freed 991 reindeer, but Santa’s nine reindeer had been captured somewhere else.

As soon as he had freed the reindeer, RoboHen told all of them to go play in the snow at the North Pole. After he did that, RoboHen flew to the Super Star Destroyer, where he was sure there would be a map telling the location of the nine reindeer. Once he arrived, RoboHen ran toward the elevator and pushed the button that said, “Floor 991”.  As soon as he pushed the button, the elevator door closed. When the door opened again and he was on floor 991, guess what RoboHen saw?

He saw (da-da-dum) Speeding Shark! And Speeding Shark said, “Mua-ha-ha, RoboHen! I have you at last! You will never free Santa’s reindeer!”

And RoboHen said, “Speeding Shark! You weren’t supposed to appear in the story until Part 3!”

Speeding Shark said, “Okay, but I just decided I wanted an earlier part so maybe I would have a chance to win this time!”

And just as Speeding Shark was about to kick RoboHen back into the elevator, guess who magically appeared?

YODA! And then Yoda jumped into battle and used the Force and pushed Speeding Shark back into Part 3. And when that happened, Speeding Shark magically disappeared.

And then Yoda disappeared again. RoboHen said, “That Yoda. He never stays in one place!” And then RoboHen ran until he reached the map archives. Once he got into the archives, he entered the combination and ran until he found a new map that had precious diamonds on it. Then RoboHen grabbed the map to finding the nine reindeer. RoboHen found out that the first reindeer was on floor 992, so he ran up the stairs. Once he was on floor 992, RoboHen ran straight towards the Reindeer Dungeon on that floor. He found not one reindeer but eight reindeer. He freed all eight reindeer and told them to go play in the snow. Then RoboHen checked the map, and it said that Rudolph was on the 1000th floor. So then RoboHen ran up the stairs to the 1000th floor and ran and ran until he got to the Reindeer Dungeon room and suddenly realized that the prison door needed a special key. RoboHen was wondering where to find the key, and he turned around, only to see…

Speeding Shark!

RoboHen said, “Speeding Shark! You are supposed to be in Part 3!”

Speeding Shark said, “Well, I managed to escape into Part 2.”

And RoboHen yelled, “Yoda! Speeding Shark escaped from Part 3 again!”

And Yoda magically appeared to send Speeding Shark back to Part 3 again.

And then Krang appeared again, and RoboHen realized that Krang was holding the key in his mouth, and 
RoboHen said, “Hand over the key, Krang!”

And then Krang said, “Never!”

RoboHen said, “Okay, Krang, if you won’t give me the key, I guess I’m just going to have to take it from you,” and he used his Stealing-Keys-Out-of-Krang’s-Mouth machine to steal the key out of Krang’s mouth, and then RoboHen put the key into the keyhole, turned the key, and freed Rudolph. He told Rudolph to go play in the snow and have fun.

Rudolph said, “Finally, now all we have to do is free Santa Claus!”

Part 3

RoboHen ran straight to Speeding Shark’s North Pole Underwater Outpost. As soon as he got inside, RoboHen ran down the hallway right into the dungeon room where he thought Speeding Shark had Santa Claus. As it turned out, Santa Claus wasn’t in the dungeon room. Instead, there was a map that showed that Santa was trapped inside the dungeon of the Death Star! So then RoboHen hopped into the RoboJet and flew off to the Death Star. Once he arrived, he ran straight to the Throne Room. But inside the Throne Room he did not see the Emporer or Darth Vader. He saw…

Speeding Shark! He said, “RoboHen, we meet again at last!”

But RoboHen said, “Oh no, we don’t!” And RoboHen ran right to the dungeon. But when he arrived in the dungeon, he did not see Santa Claus. Instead he saw a key. There was a note next to the key that said, “This is the key to Santa’s dungeon. In order to get there, you must first find the secret passageway to the dungeon. The secret passageway is somewhere in the Super Star Destroyer.”

And RoboHen flew off again to the lead Super Star Destroyer. Once he arrived, he ran as fast as he could, but before he could reach the secret passage room, he was met by TWO Darth Vaders.

The two Darth Vaders said, “Mua ha ha, RoboHen, we meet again at last!”

“You’re right… We do,” said RoboHen, “but not for long!” And then he pulled a lever, and a trapdoor opened up underneath the two Darth Vaders. Then they fell through the trapdoor, falling out into space.

RoboHen ran to the secret passage room. Once he was inside, he went looking for a secret passage. He found a giant crate full of maps. He was looking through the maps, and he heard a small voice. “Help! Help!” the voice cried out.

RoboHen heard the voice and he ran towards the big pile of crates where he thought he heard the voice. He moved all the crates to find…

A trapped Luke Skywalker! As it turned out, Speeding Shark had trapped Luke Skywalker there. But then RoboHen turned around and saw…

Krang! And Krang said, “Mua ha ha, RoboHen! We meet again at last!”

And RoboHen asked, “Why do you all keep saying that, Krang?”

And then Krang said, “Because I’m evil, and that’s what evil Krangs do.”

Then RoboHen got out his Krang hammer, which was shaped like Krang, and used it to smash a Krang-shaped hole in the floor. Then RoboHen jumped and sat on Krang so that Krang was pushed through the Krang-shaped hole. Then RoboHen quickly covered up the hole with wood.

Once he found the correct map, he picked it up and found that it showing a path that was leading to the secret passageway. The entrance just so happened to be at the entrance to the Super Star Destroyer. RoboHen realized that before he went down the secret passageway, he probably needed to destroy the Super Star Destroyer first.

But first RoboHen ran back into the map room, got Luke Skywalker and ran with him back to the command room. RoboHen told Luke Skywalker to get to an escape pod. RoboHen hit the self-destruct button of the Super Star Destroyer, and then he hit the Launch All Escape Pods button, and then RoboHen ran into the secret passage just as the Super Star Destroyer exploded.

And then once RoboHen got to the end of the secret passageway, he ran straight into the dungeon room where RoboHen thought he heard Santa. Then RoboHen turned around and ran right towards the farthest back dungeon room. Once RoboHen got there, he got the key out of his pocket, put the key in the lock, turned the key, and freed Santa Claus!

Santa Claus thanked RoboHen for freeing him and asked RoboHen to destroy Speeding Shark’s Arctic Ocean Underwater Outpost before leaving the North Pole. RoboHen told Santa Claus he definitely would remember to, and he told Santa he could go and deliver the presents. Then RoboHen ran straight towards the Underwater Outpost.

Once he got there, he ran straight into the main control room and said, “Well, Speeding Shark, I managed to free Santa Claus, so what are your plans now?”

Speeding Shark said, “Well, I don’t have that many plans, because I’m pretty upset that you stopped me from kidnapping Santa Claus.”

And RoboHen then said, “Well, Speeding Shark, Santa asked me to destroy your Underwater Outpost, and I’m going to do what Santa asked me to.”

Speeding Shark said, “Oh, no, you won’t. I’m going to activate my other Underwater Outpost. And if I have two Underwater Outposts active at once, I can activate my Super Laser, which can destroy an entire hideout at one time.”

Then RoboHen said, “Oh, I don’t think you are going to.”

Speeding Shark said, “Oh, I think I will.”

RoboHen ran into his giant robot room. Then Speeding Shark jumped into his giant robot. Then RoboHen said, “Speeding Shark, I’m not sure you can escape, even with your giant robot.”

Speeding Shark said, “Oh, yes I can.” Speeding Shark’s giant robot ran straight toward RoboHen, but RoboHen jumped out of the way just in time. RoboHen jumped on the giant robot’s back and removed the key. Then RoboHen ran straight to the self-destruct button, pushed it, and then escaped just in time in his RoboJet.

Speeding Shark, of course, also managed to escape.

Then the entire Underwater Outpost exploded.

The End