Wednesday, April 23, 2014

RoboHen Gets a Haircut

On a sunny afternoon, RoboHen was repairing the 101 Things Machine outside in the yard when his mom came up to him with a no-nonsense look on her face. He barely glanced her way and kept fidgeting with the top widget. "Careful, careful," he muttered to himself as he adjusted the marble whatsit.

"RoboHen!" his mom interrupted. "How can you just carry on when I am clearly standing here waiting for you to notice me?"

"Beware!" said RoboHen. "It is dangerous to interrupt a boy and his tinkering."

But he finally looked up at his mom waiting for him in the garden and gave her his attention. Sometimes one must also beware of impatient parents.

RoboHen's mom guided him past the fairy knoll and toward the TurboJet, which is a fancy kind of airplane. RoboHen was not aware of their destination. He waited, fairly impatiently, for his mom to declare herself. Finally, she said, "We are going to the barber."

So off they flew, over the dairy and the market. RoboHen was in despair. He raked his claws over the TurboJet's carpet in frustration. "I don't want to go see RoboLion the Barber!" he wailed.

"I beg your pardon!" replied his mom. "What kind of a mother do you take me for? I would not take you to a bad-guy barber! I can hardly believe you thought I would do such a thing! We are going to visit his partner instead - RoboBadger."

And in fact, all of RoboHen's fears were unfounded. RoboBadger compared very favorably to his old favorite barber, RoboKitten, and on the way home his mom let them stop by the farmer's market just in time to purchase strawberries from the latest harvest. And all was well.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

RoboHen turns an Awful Story into an Awesome Afternoon

It was very awkward. RoboHen's mom just hoped it would turn out all right in the end, but it started out to be an awful day. RoboHen was the author of a silly story about one of his friends. He was always making up stories about people, but usually they didn't get him into trouble. This one did, and for a moment there, RoboHen's mom thought they might need to call a lawyer.

RoboHen was gawking at his friend RoboPeacock's new hat, which was orange with purple stripes and red feathers. He liked it so much that he wrote a story in which a mouse gnawed at the hat. Then the character of RoboPeacock's mom put the hat in the laundry and shrank it. Then, to top it all off, it was accidentally left under the outside faucet, and the orange and purple colors ran together.

While RoboHen was eating an afternoon sausage snack, RoboPeacock came strutting angrily in to the kitchen. Although RoboHen was surprised, he stopped nibbling to find out what was the matter. RoboPeacock had an upset, haunted look on her face. "That hat was flawless! She screamed. And now it is worthless!"

RoboHen tried to explain: "But I already told you that it's just a story! I didn't hurt your real hat," he clucked. "And also, I was trying to be creative."

But RoboPeacock was still bothered. "I bought that hat at a special auction," she lamented. "I was the highest bidder because I really liked it."

RoboHen chose his next words with caution. "I know," he said, "and I am sorry."

His friend almost turned on the yelling machine, but she sensed RoboHen's sincerity and decided not to. It was a beautiful autumn day, perfect for a walk outside with a good friend. RoboPeacock and RoboHen headed out the door, leaving a small saucer of milk for RoboKitten. They made their way to the benches on the hill, where they sat and talked and played all afternoon until thoughts of the offensive story were forgotten.