Thursday, September 13, 2012

RoboHen's Mom Gets Her Books Back

One time RoboHen's mom flew in her plane and landed on RoboHen's hideout and then she went through the entrance. First thing she did was pull the lever that activated the entrance to the trap room, for RoboHen had a trap room in his hideout! And his book safe was in his trap room... that's where he keeps all of his stolen books. He loves to steal books! The books have treasure maps or machine maps in them because RoboHen's mom's grandmother put the maps in the books. So RoboHen doesn't read the books.

When RoboHen's mom got to the first trap, which was a laser trap, she made a hole in the ceiling and then she climbed through the hole and used her laser tracker so she would know when she could get back down to the floor. And then when she got down to the floor, she then used her screwdriver to unscrew the lid on the metal case with the energy bolt on it. Then she flicked off the switches that said "L One," then "L Two," all the way up to "L Ten." Then she continued on to the next trap, which was the chainsaw trap.

The way she did the chainsaw trap was she dug a hole in the ceiling again, except it was a bigger hole, and then she used her chainsaw tracker so she would know when she could get back on the floor. Then she used her screwdriver to unscrew the lid on the box which said, "Energy Bolt Two." And when RoboHen's mom finished unscrewing that box, RoboHen flew in his plane all the way to the spot where RoboHen's mom was, and then he used his jackhammer to make a hole in the ground. He climbed down into the trap room and quickly stole the lid off the cage. Then he took the energy bolt off the lid of the metal cage and threw the energy bolt at the chainsaw trap and the laser trap to make the traps turn on again! But then RoboHen's mom used her grappling hook to grab the energy bolt back and used it to turn the traps back off again.

And then when she got to the other traps, it was the popcorn trap, so she dug a hole underneath the trap, so she used her popcorn tracker... Then she unscrewed the box that said "Energy Bolt Three." Then she flicked off the switches that said "T One," "T Two," all the way up to "T Ten." The T stands for "Trap."

And then RoboHen's mom got to the last trap, which was the - oh me, oh my - the ALARM trap, which does sound an alarm, and it also makes a wall out of leaves blocking the way if you step on the button. And then RoboHen's mom walked really carefully across the floor. One time she did hit a button, but RoboHen didn't see the light flash, so she got to the book safe. She entered the secret code and then...

She got her books back! Then she left her books in the safe and used her ladder to climb up the power box which would turn off RoboHen's whole entire hideout. But that one was much harder to turn off... It needed a grappling hook!

The next story will be called, "RoboHen's Mom Deactivates the Ultimate Power Box."