Friday, July 6, 2012

A picture of RoboHen and his birthday-party hideout

RoboHen Takes Over the World, Part 1 (of 30)

Once RoboHen and his assistants hit the ground after they escaped from jail, they saw RoboHen's mom chasing them. RoboHen quickly used his grappling hook to hit the button to open the secret entrance to his hideout, and then he and all of his assistants quickly ran into his hideout. Then RoboHen pushed the green button inside his hideout to close the secret door so his mom couldn't come in, because the hideout was only for bad things.

But then his mom came racing toward the door, and she noticed that the post holding the red button to RoboHen's hideout was gone because the green button could also make the post go down into his hideout. RoboHen's mom was so angry that she found her chainsaw and started to saw the trap door. But the green button also made a spring go to the bottom of the door, and once RoboHen's mom finished sawing, she sprang up into the air. RoboHen quickly lowered the spring and climbed up his ladder and repaired the trap door.

RoboHen's mom thought of another idea. She secretly ran to another place in the grass and used her chainsaw to saw that because she had a map of RoboHen's hideout. When she finished sawing the hole, she used her grappling hook to hit the red button, and then the trap door opened. She came rushing rushing rushing to the trap door, but RoboHen caught her with his spy cameras, and he pushed the green button to close the trap door and lower the button again. RoboHen pulled the lever to release a hundred propellers flying out of the hideout, and the only way to open the door again was to grab every single propeller and return it to the secret computer inside RoboHen's hideout. But RoboHen's mom knew where the secret computer was, so she ran to the ground above it and dug a hole, and then secretly used her grabbing machine to grab every single one of those propellers. She threw them at the computer.

RoboHen was so mad that he released a flock of Angry Birds. But RoboHen's mom knew what to do. She used her grappling hook to hit the big green button on RoboHen's computer, and all the Angry Birds fell to the ground, because they were just robot Angry Birds. Then RoboHen quickly jumped into the hole because he was super dooper flooper angry. He made an elevator catch his mom and carry her back to the ground. He used his giant ladder to climb up to the hole and repair it, and put some grass on it to disguise it.